(A larger version of this picture can be
found at the end of the messages.)
'Those who venerate Me by means of
this Image I will intercede for their
every need and grace." |
Christina tells us that:
"Our Holy Mother appears to be about nineteen or twenty in age, with eyes that are like deep pools of blue. Her face is beautiful beyond imagination.
"Our Holy Mother is more beautiful than any person I have ever seen. No statue or picture can show her beauty. She is radiantly happy. She moves slowly and reverently and brings with her an indescribable heavenly peace. She always smiles. She pours that love through me. If Our Holy Mother is speaking about something you may see her going from the smiles, to sadness, to tears, and even to tears of blood. But Our Lady always smiles, no matter what. I have even seen Our Lady smile through the tears.
"The peace when I would see Our Holy Mother is as if everything is stilled beyond description. It's as if you are the only person existing to her at that moment. You're so loved and you're so in love with Our Blessed Mother."
Christina speaks of a light: that simultaneously shines on her and from her forming a luminous glow that appears to come from inside her."
Christina says you would give everything on offer in this world for a few seconds of the heavenly peace and love flowing from the Heavenly Mother.
After the image was painted (from Christina's instructions) of Our Lady Queen of Peace as she appears to her, Our Blessed Lady confided to Christina that she had 'guided' the hand of the artist. Strangely, the artist himself shared his own experience of painting the picture by saying that although, in the beginning, the prospect of painting Our Lady's picture seemed awesome, when he commenced work he found an ease of execution which had never accompanied him with any previous portrait.
When the second picture was completed, depicting Our Lady as She appeared on one occasion to Christina with the Sacred Host radiating light over Her chest and with tears of blood coming from Her eyes as has since happened in a number of Her apparitions, especially on occasion when She pleaded for the rejection of abortion. . . . . . .and the picture was honored with flowers and a light for the first time without any advertence to the particular date which befell - Saturday, May 13, - Our Blessed Mother appeared to Christina on that day holding a copy of the picture in Her hand remarking,
'Those who venerate Me by means of this image - I will intercede for their every need and grace.'
As Our Lady held the picture angry demons on either side tried in vain to snatch it from Her.
It was only at the day's end while reflecting on the graces many had experienced that the full significance began to strike Christina's spiritual director. On hearing Christina's account of Our Lady's joy with the picture and the promise of intercession for those venerating Her by its means, he remembered that May 13 was once in the Church a feast in honor of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and commentators on Fatima had found a link between Her choice of that day for Her first apparition there in 1917 and the strong call made in those apparitions for reparation to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
And here was Our Lady, by means of this beautiful and touching picture revealing in a new way Her union of sorrow with Jesus Her Son abused today as never before - Blood of Her Blood and Flesh of Her Flesh - in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
The impact of Our Lady's love makes Christina look on the world as of no value. It is actually a temptation to our flesh. We may want this and that and we are drawn away from God for the flesh is weak. Our hearts become closed to God. We are led further and further down the wide road of the world instead of following the narrow path of the cross by imitating Christ. We have to choose: we cannot serve two masters. If we chose the narrow road and deny the flesh we are protecting the soul and surrendering to God. Then God fills the heart with a greater desire for Himself and inflames the soul with His own pure love. We discern more and more how temporary the body; it merely houses the soul.
Christina has been taught clearly by Our Blessed Lady that everything we do must be done with love or else it loses its value. To do something with true love and charity is to want to do it for the love of God. Carrying out works of charity without this desire robs them of their power and true value.
When asked about the joy of Our Blessed Mother Christina comments that it is overwhelming, to the point of being painful. Christina feels impelled to sing and praise God without ceasing, and to want to go straight to heaven never to be separated from Our Blessed Mother. Normal joy, Christina says, such as that experienced at the birth of a child is nothing compared to the real joy of Our Blessed Mother. Our Lady's joy is 'painfully beautiful'.
Our Lady, however, is not always happy when She comes. Sometimes She is sad, sometimes She is weeping. The very sight of Our Lady in tears wrenches Christina's heart. Her tears have, on occasion, turned to blood. Our Lady has explained to Christina that She weeps for Her lost children, for those who have wandered from God and are lost in sin. As Mother, Our Blessed Lady is suffering to lead Her lost children back to God to save their souls. This has happened on a number of occasions and it really breaks Christina's heart; she would give her life - she has declared - to help stop the tears. She notices that when Our Lady weeps it is different to the weeping of the average person. Whereas the tears of the average person flow from the corner of the eye, Our Lady's tears flow from the very center of her eyes, slowly in one drop at a time, till they reach the end of her face and then disappear.
In attempting to express this 'inexpressible feeling' Christina told her spiritual director, Fr. Gerard McGinnity:
You would give your life, time and time again, even to wipe the tears of blood from her face, because it pierces your heart in a way that there's no words for.
If a child is within a house, and the house is in flames, and you couldn't get to that child to take it out of the flames, your heart would be broken and you would be mentally distraught, it is the same sense of helplessness you feel when you can't wipe the tears of blood from Our Blessed Mother's face and from Her eyes. The only way you can do it, is surrender to whatever God permits, in the hope that God will lessen Her tears, that She will be in less pain of heart for Her children.
That the apparitions are not merely meant for 'seeing' with the eyes but for enlightenment of soul is demonstrated by the fact that Our Lady explained to Christina the theological meaning of the very details of the crown She wore. Once when She appeared to Christina, Our Lady permitted Her crown on Her Head to come before Christina, close-up. The details of its composition became clear to Christina, and Our Lady explained to her their significance. Her Crown was turned inwards to reveal the globe of the world which Her Son conquered by means of His cross. Our Lady explained that Her share in the suffering of Her Son to redeem the world was how She gained Her Queenship and Her Queenship meant the privilege of dispensing to Her children the graces won through the redemption. The very deep knowledge given to Christina about Our Blessed Mother's participation in the work of redemption and how Her role is especially significant for our present time, she expresses as follows:
"God the Father had always planned to use the Mother of His Son in a special way at the 'end time'.
It will lead to the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart. The Blessed Mother, through her total immunity from sin by means of Her Immaculate Conception, lived in total union with the Spirit of God throughout her earthly life. Nevertheless, God limited Her knowledge to what she derived from reflection on the Sacred Scriptures of the Old Testament so that She had to progress through Her earthly pilgrimage in total obedience and trust awaiting in Her surrender for the Scriptures to be fulfilled in the life of Her Divine Son, as the angel Gabriel's prophecy concerning Jesus comes to completion."
Christina understands that: "The Blessed Mother's role in the fulfillment of God's plan is now reaching a decisive moment. It was actually revealed to Christina how Her role relates to that of Jesus in His redeeming work. It was shown to her that there are two altars in the one sanctuary; that is, the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Our Blessed Mother in the one sanctuary. Both Hearts are united in the single act of love within the sanctuary of Christ's Sacred Heart, which is the very act of redemption. The Heart of Our Blessed Mother, in union with the Heart of Her Son, acts as co-redemptrix, for Jesus is the only mediator between God and humanity. As Jesus is the supreme and infinite sacrifice He pleads before the Father for the souls of mankind; so Our Blessed Mother pleads before the Heart of Jesus Her Divine Son in union with the merits of His sacrifice for sins of the flesh.
"Through that one sacrifice, Jesus atones for the sins of the soul and accepts His Immaculate Mother's sufferings for sins of the flesh. As Jesus redeemed mankind, all souls united make the Mystical Body of Christ. Hence, as sin continues through mankind, it tears His Mystical Body apart.
"Our Blessed Mother weeps beneath the cross, as She pleads before the merits of the cross of Her Son's sacrifice for sins of the flesh.
"Our Lady searches now for Her lost children because just as on earth, so also in heaven, She gives God full permission over Her entire body and soul; She does and knows and loves only the Will of God in glory as She did on earth.
"In searching for Her children, she is searching for the parts of Her Son's Mystical body in the darkness of the sin of the world. For Our Lady to come into the world which is in such darkness that in one message She remarks,
'The smoke of Satan is rising from the earth.'
could be compared to the pain and revulsion endured by a person going into a sewer to search. Our Lady sees a soul by the tiny light, the light of God in the soul. Our Lady's role is to inspire souls in the light to endure more for the rescue of Her children in the darkness of sin. She invites and inspires victim souls to endure for the lost souls. Jesus realizes the souls that are cut off from Him because He hurts. He yearns for His life to be renewed, in those members of His Mystical Body.
"Because Our Blessed Mother is the Mother of Jesus and Jesus redeemed us on the cross all our souls united with His make the Mystical Body of Jesus, and so in each one of us is part of Her Son. Our Lady yearns to bring Her Son's Mystical Body together in unity, peace and love for the salvation of all. "
Although it was at the beginning of the apparitions to Christina that Our Lady had requested Mass to be offered by two priests 'for her lost children' on the twenty-fifth of each month, Our Lady did not explain in detail to Christina until much later the precise significance of this date. On the twenty-fifth God permits special graces to flow through Our Blessed Lady. The 'two' of the 'twenty-fifth', she explains to Christina, signifies the two Hearts (of Jesus and of Herself); the five indicates the five known wounds of Her Divine Son on the Cross of our salvation and the 'two' and 'five' together making seven represent Her seven sorrows.