Message - August 16th 2017
Jesus Speaks to Christina:
"My little one, be at peace. My peace I give you. Let it still your heart. I tell you, trust in Me. I am Mercy, Truth, Life and Light.
Anyone who bears life in Me will walk in light and have My life in them. Those who choose to walk in darkness, live by the
world and partake only of the world.
I became Man to save man from himself. In My mercy I became Man and man was begotten in My Life.
O you foolish people who choose to live in the stench of sin and reject My Mercy!
I have called you out of darkness into the light to receive My Mercy and to enkindle in your hearts and souls the light and life I have given you.
The world has become a cesspool of iniquity and how My people bathe in it as if that were their inheritance!
How man within My Church has drawn My Church into the stench of such s…..* Its mire of filth pierces My Sacred Heart.
So many have become one in its depraved actions. How many who received their power and state in My Church through s…..* plunder truth in fulfilling the needs of the flesh to draw them to loss of faith and in their actions lead them to condemnation.
So many live by the world. My people l…... within My Church, how you have made yourselves pariahs before Me!
You partake of filth and live like animals.
I gave you life - you repay Me by becoming death. How wicked the hearts of mankind have become!
I have revealed this to My children of Fatima through the voice of My Mother.
My Church will soon be shaken to its foundations as it makes way for antiChrist to rule and sit on the chair of Peter.
How the evil one rejoices to see this but for man to destroy My Church and lead My people astray! Woe unto such people!
The call of My Heart and that of My Mother have been blocked out because they do not want to hear Me and so many permit life of Me to be destroyed in their souls.
Soon I will prune back those who do not have My life in them. Their shoots of evil propagated throughout the world will be burned in the everlasting fires, while they do not believe that such exist.
My dear little one, how you have been crushed because those who know you are telling the truth drew destruction upon you through lies and deception, on account of their own guilt. Such people will perish. I will say unto them, "Begone from Me, you cursed! By your actions you have chosen this for yourself."
Dear child, the words I give you will enter many hearts. My words to you will bring life to many.
This work I have asked of you is a heavy cross to carry. Its wounds abide upon your heart but etched upon your face for all to see.
I tell you, be at peace. All things are passing, and those who choose to hear and respond to truth - putting truth first and building upon it their lives - will be those who will enter their eternity of life to rejoice.
I bless you, child.
Do not let your heart be troubled.
Unto you I impart My choicest blessings,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
*Regarding the abbreviated word - as most people are already aware, when a word is shortened a dot replaces each omitted letter in that word. So the number of dots always indicates the number of letters in the actual abbreviated word. Unfortunately, a few misguided people, unaware of that grammatical procedure, are now making their own personal judgements to cause confusion and mislead others about the meaning of the word uttered by Jesus to Christina in this message. Their personal conjectures are entirely false. The word in question has absolutely nothing to do with excrement or human waste as, for some unknown reason, they seem to automatically assume because it happens to begin with the letter "s"! If they had paid close attention to the number of letters in the abbreviated word, they would know it could not be so and they would not be causing such confusion to others.
Message - August 2nd 2017
Jesus Speaks to Christina:
"Your sufferings are many because there are many storms surrounding your life. I am aware of all you endure:
I draw your sufferings through your offering of will and many souls are being saved. There is a great battle of the principalities fought around your life, and you experience its effects. You are hated by the devil because of your offering through your will to Me. I draw it into the Light and many, many souls that are destined for hell are saved. I tell you, be at peace. All is passing but great work is being done.
I have asked My people to take care of you but many do not fulfil My desire. If they could understand they would change their hearts, and put My request first in their lives. They know it is I, their Lord God who communicates with you and I am Truth. In My people's response, they can make it their offering to Me for souls- to bring about the means to end your fears and sorrow. I do not desire this kind of sorrow and fear for it draws your heart away from Me. I see all things and I know what is in the hearts of My people. All will see much change throughout the world- war, war, war, unrest, weather changes beyond man's understanding. There will be many scientists to explain My Hand away. My Hand is fast approaching your world. The world's offences to My Sacred Heart through sin are enormous. My messenger, if My people allowed Me into their hearts they would not have need for Me to remind them. They would fulfil what I ask: they would not bear your life for one day. My messenger, they have it easy in comparison with your life. I beg you, My little one, stay close to My Sacred Heart. Offer all you endure, and I want you to be aware that nothing of your suffering is in vain. It is a priceless gift to Me. My Sacred Heart burns with love for you. I experience your life-offering to Me. If only you could see in your earthly time the many souls that you have permitted Me to save- even those destined for hell. I draw them back from Hades and give them life and protection again. I tell you, be at peace.
I bless you,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit."