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No human explanation exists for the mysterious rays of light pouring down on the House of Prayer Achill in this photograph. Photographs taken immediately before and after this one, show that it was a dull day with absolutely no sunlight.
Official website of Christina Gallagher. True sources of information about the Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace through Christina Gallahger How the House of Prayer came about is a
most beautiful story of the love of God for
us His children. When Our Blessed Lady
first expressed Her desire for a ‘little House
of Prayer” Christina wondered how she,
could ever procure a ‘House of Prayer’ but
Our Lady told Christina that She desired
the House, ‘through the generosity of the
people’ This in itself from the outset was a
great sign because no fundraising was ever
planned or even considered, only the
power of God’s Mother. Our Lady Herself,
literally provided the House. It was She
Herself who touched the hearts of Her children
as She desired and they responded.
Christina did not even know where the
house would be located and when asked,
Our Lady would only reply “The House that
God has chosen will be.” Eventually
Christina visited a convent in Achill Sound
when it came up for sale and experienced
there a deep feeling of inner peace. She
knew that this was to be the place.
When she sought ecclesiastical permission
from the local ordinary, Archbishop Joseph
Cassidy carefully considered her request
which, Christina emphasised, she desired
to have fulfilled only in complete conformity
with and in total obedience towards the
Church. He himself gave “not only
permission but his blessing” and offically
dedicated it to Our Lady Queen of Peace
on 16th July 1993. Our Lady spoke only
days after the dedication saying that Her
children “desire peace, but they do not
recognise the treasure I have placed in
their midst. Their hearts are set on the
things of the world and are closed to the
graces I desire to give”.
On 16th July Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill was formally dedicated by His Grace Archbishop Joseph Cassidy D. D of Tuam, His Grace is pictured here with Christina and her Spiritual Director, Rev. Dr. Gerard McGinnity
Renovations to the House of Prayer
Uncovering the walls, helpers were astonished that Christina had predicted where they would find dry rot, fungus and dampness.
Back in 1992 when Christina asked Our
Lady why so many troubles came to her with the House of Prayer, Our Lady gave her
a very direct answer. “Dear child, you know
the House of Prayer is like a war being
prepared against the Evil One and he wants
to destroy it and you, and all my little ones,
but you remain steadfast in prayer and love.
You have the weapons, use them.”
During the renovation Christina was
mysteriously given knowledge of which parts
of the building needed to be replaced .
Helpers were then amazed to find upon
uncovering walls, floors etc that she had
precisely located areas of widespread dry
rot, fungus and dampness. The obstacles to
the work of renovation seemed endless and
insurmountable. So much had to be stripped
away and renewed yet this was all explained
to Christina.
On December 21st 1992, Our Lady, in a very
tender way showed her how God would use
the House as a means of protection. She
just appeared, opened her hands and there
flew out so many little chicks and Our Lady
looked joyously at them. This scene evokes
the words of Christ when He wept for the
suffering coming to Jerusalem for its rejection
of the Saviour and its blindness in not recognising
the time of its visitation. Jesus lamented the
reistance of its people for He would have
gathered them together “as a hen gathers
her chicks” but the people refused. The
scene stresses, it would seem, God’s
protection in the coming purification for
those who, in responding to ‘His Call through
His Mother’ agree to come under ’His Wing’.
A House of Prayer for all Her children
In separate messages to Christina, Our Lady
made clear the purpose of the House of Prayer.
FIRSTLY, She said that She will be present with
Her angels and that the House was to be a
place of prayer for all Her children with
particular importance for priests. Our Lady
p terceding for the intentions of the people.
“If only My children could realise the graces
I desire to give for even a single visit to My
House of Prayer.”
Our Lady said, “I desire to gather My
children together. You, My child, pray the
Rosary with My children, as I have taught
you. I entrust you with this. Do not be afraid. There is no place for fear. I will be
present in the House with many angels,
praying with all My children. There is to be
love, no disunity. I will disperse darkness
and surround you with light. Yet, My
children must be alert. Be pure in heart, and
love one another and pray my beautiful
Rosary with love from your Heart...”
“My child, look at My many priest sons . Will you help
Me? I desire to bring them into the light of
salvation. My child, you must pray, pray,
pray. That way, I can draw you into the
grace of My Immaculate Heart.”
Not sure about Our Lady’s exact wishes,
Christina asked, for her own information ,
“Holy Mother, are you saying you want this
House of Prayer for priests?” and Our Lady
replied “Yes! I desire many works and
much prayer. My child, pray, pray, pray!
The devil wants to destroy My plan for
Ireland and the world. But your prayer,
sacrifice and suffering offered to Jesus, My
Son, will disarm all his snares. Be patient.
Be vigilant in prayer and good works. Love
all those you meet. My child, My Heart is
your heart. I will give you many graces that
you are in need of, through prayer. Pray My
beautiful Rosary often. My Son Jesus desires
great work from you. Respond to His Love.”
As a Relief for the Souls in Purgatory
SECONDLY, the House of Prayer will be a
means of relief for the Souls in Purgatory.
Christina was told that because God Himself
desired the House in union with His Church, it
would be a channel for the Souls in
Purgatory whereby they could seek relief .
On the opening of the House she was told,
many souls would be released. Christina
could see Our Lady at a distance wearing a
white gown and loose blue shawl. Our
Lady’s Hair was blowing in the breeze. Our
Holy Mother was weeping but explained to
Christina “these were tears of joy”. Our
Lady told her “Many souls will be released
from Purgatory on this day of the opening of
the House of Prayer. If only you could
comprehend the enormous victory of this
day” “Our Holy Mother’s Heartbeat within
Her Body could be seen and it exploded
from Her Chest in white light flowing to Her
hands and from Her Hands downwards” (to
the House of Prayer). Since the opening of
the House the Holy Souls have made their
presence known not only to Christina but to
members of the community while at prayer
in the chapel.
God's Plan for The House of Prayer
THIRDLY, the House was intricately linked with
Her plan for Ireland. She disclosed that Her
Plan and Her House of Prayer were inseparable.
“I am your Maternal Mother and I desire My
chosen children of Light to be united with
Me, in prayer from your hearts. You are My
dear children of peace and love. Through
you, My little ones, I desire great work for the salvation of the world. You little ones of
the Lamb will be triumphant in My
Immaculate Heart.”
Jesus and the Heavenly Father have both
claimed responsiblity for the House of Prayer.
In October 1992, Jesus confirmed to
Christina that it was He who desired the
House of Prayer for the coming battle. The
Lord said, “The godless men multiply in
number. They fight against My Might. Thou
hast seen the might of My Hand to put to
flight the godless man. Thou art My little
one, safely guarded in My Hand. The
godless who try to strike you down, I will
strike down beneath My Foot, for it is I, your
Lord, who had deigned you to act for Me in
the manner you effect. Thou art My little
one of My Heart. Do not fear and do not cry.
Proclaim My words to all people, to the
godless as to the godly. Those who hear your
call will hear My words. Man will try to find
fault with you. Have no fear for I am with you”.
“It was I who desired a House of Prayer. My
words have been spoken through the Heart
of My Mother, for She calls Her children, but
they do not hear. Thou, My little one, take
heed, This House will be a refuge for the
remnant who hear and follow the cries of My
Mother’s Heart. You be steadfast in My call,
for those who hear the cries of My Mother’s
Heart will come to you. Make available
your time in life and pray with them,”
Jesus then also gave Christina a wonderful
experience which revealed that, indeed His
coming victory would be furthered by the
House of Prayer.
Our Blessed Lady said to Christina, “If my
children could only recognise the gift of My
House of Prayer, they would be helping you,
as the people helped Noah to build the Ark
and they would be queuing up to enter it, as
the people entered the Ark of Noah.”
This reference by Our Lady to the Ark of
Noah also clearly attributes to the House of
Prayer a “refuge in the time of purification”
which She stated in a separate message to
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Crowds gathered at the House of Prayer in Achill on 16th July 2012 for a special day of prayer to mark the 19th anniversary of its opening. In July 1993 Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill was opened and dedicated by Archbishop Joseph Cassidy and it has since been an annual day of special celebration in prayer. This July saw the highest number of people coming for some years, people stating that they are now beginning to realise the truth of the messages from Our Blessed Lady through Christina Gallagher, as they see the prophesies fulfilled in the world around them.
Christina visited a convent in Achill Sound when it came up for sale and experienced there a deep feeling of inner peace. She knew that this was to be the place.