There have also been miraculous happenings within the House of Prayer to show that God is at work there. On the 16th of July 1999, Christina was taken into an ecstasy. Blessed Michael the Archangel appeared to her and gave her Holy Communion, placing on her outstretched tongue a radiantly bright Host. This Host was visible to those around Christina and was filmed and photographed by them. As Christina swallowed the Host a few minutes later, Blessed Michael disappeared and Our Lady appeared where She gave the message concerning the Seal of the Living God.
Our Lady desires to protect Her children and to help them to live through the sufferings coming to the world due to sin and a rejection of God. As we respond to Our Lady and fulfil Her requests to repent and turn to God in prayer, She is granted the grace by God to protect Her children who are consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart through the recitation of the consecration prayer. On July 16th 2003, Our Lady says, “I desire each home to have a picture of Me with the tears of blood. It will be your protection... and My Matrix Medal- wear it on your person. Say the already-known consecration prayer every day; it will help you in the times that are at hand.” She elaborated on the protection which is offered in the Matrix Medal, a medal which was designed and requested by Our Lady, on the 4th of July 2004, when She said, “Arm yourself with all that I give you in graces and sacramentals especially My Matrix Medal. Let it always be on your person. Those who die with this medal on their body, I will save through the merciful Heart of My Son. Jesus will not refuse Me His Mercy for the souls who will be wearing this medal.” This medal has been the means of hundreds of testimonies of protection, conversion and healing by which God upholds the Truth of these messages and the apparitions given to Christina Gallagher .
This means of protection is also extended to the image of Our Lady weeping tears of blood. On the 4th of July 2004, Our Lady mentions this image, saying, “Those of you who are in My Fraternity place My image in your home. Pray before My tears of blood. Through My tears you will receive many graces and protection. Where My image is depicted, I will always keep you close to My Immaculate Heart.” This promise of protection is also upheld in the numerous testimonies of protection from natural disasters such as tornadoes and hurricanes as well as conversions and protection from danger of body and soul. These promises of protection are repeated by Our Lady on 25th of July 2005 when She says, “Wear My sacramentals, the Matrix Medal and the Brown Scapular. Have in your homes My picture, depicting My tears of blood. There is great protection and graces given to those who venerate it.”
This promise of protection has been placed on another image of Our Lady with white roses in recent years. This image does not replace the protection given through the picture of Our Lady weeping tears of blood but adds extra blessings and protection to houses where it is venerated and the Rosary is prayed. Our Lady described the protection offered in this second image in a message given on the 16th of July 2010, saying, “Those who venerate Me by means of this picture in their homes and pray the Rosary will obtain protection from the purification. It will be like the time of the Angel of the Passover. The purification will pass over the houses where I am venerated by means of this picture and the Rosary is prayed daily.” As Christina Gallagher explained, this image bears the promise of protection through the picture of tears as well as the promise given by Our Lady in this message. Jesus upheld this promise in His message to Christina on the 15th of March 2011 when He said, “I call you to ensure that every home has the picture of My Mother with the great promise I have given Her as She pleads for each one of you Her children. Pray before this picture and have my Cross depicted in your homes. Look at it and plead through My merits for your souls. Unite with My Immaculate Mother in the prayer of the Rosary offered from the heart.” This is followed up in October 2012 when Jesus again spoke to Christina about the promise of protection, saying, “Where you will not have the Blood- My Blood- that will protect you, I desire you to have the shining armour of Love that I have asked for through My Mother- I mean the picture of My Mother with the Roses- because through the gift of that picture every such household will have safety and protection for all that reside therein. Death will pass over every house where the Holy Rosary is prayed and this image is depicted.” This strong message from Jesus, speaking of the protection of this image of Our Lady with the white roses is rooted in Catholic teaching as has been explained by Christina’s spiritual director, Fr. McGinnity. This protection spoken of by Jesus is a definition of the Church’s teaching on the nature of a sacramental and draws on the Bible story of the protection of the Israelites in Egypt at the time of Moses, by smearing the doors with the blood of a lamb. This act foreshadowed Christ’s Blood through which grace flows to us. As St. John Chrysostom says in his instruction to catechumens, “So today if the devil sees, not the blood of the figure smeared on the doorposts, but the reality smeared on the lips of the faithful, which are the doors of the Temple of Christ, with all the more reason will he draw back.” This promise of protection is a great blessing by God which everyone has the chance to avail of while there is still time. We have a chance to be like the wise virgins and prepare ahead of time, otherwise as Jesus warns, “Mock it now but when you witness the Truth being fulfilled you will cry out for it but it will not be available to you. Many will be like the foolish virgins risking My life in their soul.”
Young writer Martina Caffrey, M.A. in Theology, has specialised in Catholic writing over the last 10 years. Her writings have included work published in the Hibernian magazine and the Catholic Voice newspaper. She is author of the book “A Father’s Love” and is currently working on a follow up book on the apparitions of Our Lady around the world. Her academic research is into the theology of the liturgy based on Pope Benedict XVI’s writings as Pope and Cardinal, with a further book in the pipeline.
John Garbutt (right) from Hartlepool England, pictured here with Dr Michael Anketell, at the House of Prayer Achill after giving witness to his testimony of healing and conversion through Christina Gallagher. His medical documents were submitted as evidence to the Church in 2000 for examination. As yet no nvestigation of this case, or of the evidence submitted by other people who have been healed of life-threatening illnesses through Christina Gallagher have been made. John Garbutt's testimony and the testimony of his own physician, Dr Maria Fletcher : Read More...
On the 6th anniversary of the 1993 opening of the House of Prayer, Achill, a large number of people from all parts of Ireland and some from overseas, visited the House of Prayer, and took part in the prayers and devotions to mark the anniversary.
As the afternoon prayers were about to commence, Christina Gallagher, who was kneeling in the chapel, went into an ecstatic, trance-like state, and this was closely witnessed by a number of people, both lay and clerical, and lasted for ten minutes or more.
Eyewitness account of an Irish medical doctor states; "... her mouth suddenly opened and her tongue projected slightly forward, what I would call a healthy uncoated vascular tongue, in the timing of the blink of an eye, it suddenly started to fill with a white circular disc resembling a Communion host, except that it appeared to be whiter than usual and exuded a gleam of light or brightness out of the ordinary. After a period, Mrs. Gallagher consumed the 'host'..."
..."One other observation I feel I am obliged to make is an extraordinary perfume or fragrance that I personally experienced during this phenomenon. To describe it is impossible - it had no resemblance to ordinary fragrance or perfume, but an almost intoxicating, overwhelming odour of flowers, plants, herbs, impossible to formulate in words. To conclude this testimony I can only say that it was completely accidental that I was present to witness these events. I can find no 'natural', 'medical' 'scientific' or 'psychological' explanation for what I witnessed."
On MAY 20, 2013 an EF5 Tornado struck the city of Moore, Oklahoma leaving a path of destruction 7.5 miles long and 1.3 miles wide. I wish to relate our MIRACLE story of how Our Lady Queen of Peace interceded for our protection. My son and I made a trip to Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Leander, Texas in June 2013 to thank our dear Mother for sparing our lives and our homes.
We follow the Messages from Jesus and Our Lady to Christina Gallagher. We knew something big was coming. We were preparing for it. We knew it in our hearts that disaster was on the way. A time before the tornado, we did “The Jerico Walk.” Our version, of the story in the Bible, was to put the 3D image of Our Lady Queen of Peace with the White Roses in the car. My husband and I prayed the Rosary as we drove about 1 mile in and around our neighborhood, six times in one direction and once the opposite way, calling for protection of our home, streets and belongings. We had no idea that an F5 Tornado was coming soon. We actually did this in other areas of Moore, including where our son live. Every area we prayed for in this manner was protected. Read More