Overview of Our Lady's Messages
1 Love, Mercy Repentance
2 Messages For the Church
3 Messages of Love and Mercy
4 Upholding the Catholic Faith
5 Prophecies Fulfilled
6 Prophecies Yet to be Fulfilled
7 Healings Miracles Protection
8 Conclusion
A Chosen Soul
Call of Our Lady Queen of Peace
Spiritual Director
Fruits in Abundance
Major Physical Healings
Prophesy Fulfilled
Matrix Medal
Holy Water
Our Lady with Tears
The House of Prayer Achill
Chain of Houses
Our Lady's Fraternity
Novena to the Most Blessed Trinity
Protection of Homes
Young People
Sources of Information
Christina Gallagher and the Church
Frequently Asked Questions
Media Misrepresentation
Voice of Our Lady's Pilgrims
Contact Details
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Part 2
Messages For the Church ©Copyright All Rights Reserved
Throughout the messages given to Christina by Our Lady and also occasionally by Jesus, it is plain to see that Mary speaks as a gentle, loving but firm Mother who wishes what is best for the salvation of Her children and is not afraid to remonstrate with them when they wander away from God and the path to Heaven. She reminds us of our Christian duty to love God and one another and to pray for all those who surround us especially our priests. In the message on the 2nd January 1997, Jesus reminds us that our priests need our prayer rather than our condemnation when He says, “Woe to those who condemn those of my anointed. Do not partake or remain in the company of others who freely condemn My anointed. Let your conversation be filled with prayer, not condemnation.” He also warned on May 25th 1999 that priests were not fulfilling their duty in nourishing the faith of the people, “The people are being robbed of their inheritance of Truth. So many hunger for Truth but so few sheep possess the Truth to feed the lambs. So many have nothing to give.” As recently as January 26th 2013, Jesus has warned of a lack of faith and respect among the clergy, “There are many cardinals and bishops who do as they desire, not My Will. The priests are lost for guidance and many stray into godless situations where I am pushed aside. I am Jesus their Lord and I thirst for them to fulfil their calling and the union of My priesthood. How I lovingly gave My life for all and they repay Me with constant disrespect and ridicule through sin which draws down upon your world My Justice in purification.” He also warns of the lack of respect towards the Pope in the Church saying in the same message concerning Pope Benedict XVI, “The Pope’s life is in great danger from some, even those close to him. Many within My Church do not listen to him or follow what he says to them anymore.” This is a sentiment repeated in earlier messages such as March 15th 2011 when Jesus first warned that Pope Benedict’s life was in danger and asked us to pray for him. Our Lady likewise asked us to pray for his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, on July 16th 2003, saying, “Christ’s Vicar is suffering and carries a great cross...Pray for him.” Our Lady warns us in 2001 that the Church will be shaken and many will leave the Church. We can see this happening all around as so many Catholics have turned away from their faith and the Church. Christina, in the early 90s, spoke of how it was revealed to her that the sexual scandals in the Church would shake the Church but that only a small number of abuses had been made public, more of which she was told in 2002 would become public in the future and would cause further damage to the Church. Both Jesus and Our Lady make it clear that a return to prayer will draw God’s Mercy down upon the Church and the faithful and protect them from further attacks. This concern for the pope, the priests, the faithful and the Church as a whole shows a deep love for the Church which Jesus and His Blessed Mother wish to guide and protect from harm. This is a common sentiment in the messages given to Christina. Both Jesus and Our Lady speak of the love and mercy of God for all those who respond and turn back to God.
continued in Part 3... Messages of Love and Mercy
©Copyright All Rights Reserved
Young writer Martina Caffrey, M.A. in Theology, has specialised in Catholic writing over the last 10 years. Her writings have included work published in the Hibernian magazine and the Catholic Voice newspaper. She is author of the book “A Father’s Love” and is currently working on a follow up book on the apparitions of Our Lady around the world. Her academic research is into the theology of the liturgy based on Pope Benedict XVI’s writings as Pope and Cardinal, with a further book in the pipeline.
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