It is fairly well known by now that Christina Gallagher's primary mission deals with priests and with teaching all to "Pray the Rosary from the heart." Our Lady Queen of Peace has also asked through Christina for a House of Prayer. In 1993 Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer was dedicated by Archbishop Joseph Cassidy. The MATRIX MEDAL, also requested by Our Lady through Christina has now spread across the globe, bringing a wealth of conversion, grace and healings to countless people. Christina was also to be the means of spreading Our Lady's messages throughout the world. (More information is available on this web page about each of these things.)
She describes the first time she saw Our Lady: "Our Lady was transparent from a distance and as she came closer and her form filled completely. The light which appeared to glow brightly over Her Heart was actually a Eucharistic Host."
"Be not afraid, I am the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace and I come in peace."
"Your life and that of the other chosen ones is consecrated to all servants of the Holy Church. You will suffer for them, to atone for their unfaithfulness, so that they may gain the grace to raise themselves again, and attain fruitfulness in their apostolate."
Our Lady told Christina: "MY CHILD, YOUR CROSS WILL BE HEAVY..."
Our Blessed Mother also told her: "DO NOT WASTE TIME, MY CHILD."
Christina Gallagher - Fruits of the Spirit
The many quiet fruits of the Spirit's vast outpouring received by Christina were evidenced in beautiful ways during those quieter days before her life became public. The three years of relative hiddenness permitted Christina to follow a regular daily routine. She lived for the reception of Jesus each day in Holy Communion at Mass. This moment often occasioned exceptional graces of a very rare kind. Christina would enter what were obviously the depths and essence of all true prayer - the Son's praise of the Father through the Holy Spirit.
As Christina, during those years was able to live a quasi-normal routine at her home, she would sometimes attend to the garden and while doing so, receive deep awareness of how every detail of God's creation was designed by Him to reflect an aspect of His saving power and work in the spiritual realm of souls. Whether it be new life and growth or the withering decay of leaves all was an outward sign of the hidden work of God accomplishing His plan of saving souls - in a rich imagery drawn from nature. . .
The wonder of growth through the warmth of the sun and moisture of the rain - symbolizing the soul's life through the Spirit and God's grace.
At that time she wrote to her Spiritual Director, Father Gerard McGinnity as follows;
I will try to explain how I see in some way our bodies and souls. If I am wrong, please do tell me.
I see our bodies like a flower bed and our souls like a rose. God comes into our lives, and we are all chosen to love and to serve God through loving one another. Now I feel that God comes to weed the flower bed. We let Him weed so much that as the weeds go, the more bare becomes the flower bed, the body. As the light of God shines on the rose, so does it shine on the flower bed. Now if we surrender the flower-bed and rose (body and soul) to God, to continue to allow God to weed, our body becomes bare. But becoming bare means that because of all the things of the world which distract us, and all the temptations and comforts of the world, we sometimes stop God from weeding the flower-bed, since we are not able to surrender to Him. In our weakness, suffering, and in my case, even encounters with the Devil. God gives us free will. It is in being able to see our weakness and failures that we truly cling to the light, love and mercy of God. We find that we can then surrender through our failings, because God is truly what we want, and God knows how we feel in our hearts.
It is like grapes in the wine press; out of our weakness and failure, God draws good. But sometimes, it comes through suffering. Then comes surrender, and we call out to our Holy and Loving Mother for help. As for myself, I feel that God has plucked out the big weeds, but He must continue to pluck out the small ones as well. And sometimes I feel that the small ones are harder than the big ones, because as the light shines more on the flower bed and the rose, the more drawn to God we become, out of love. Yet I am caught with the weeds, because I am married with a family, and there are all sorts of demands on me. I feel sometimes that I would truly love to be on my own, to be able to pray more without all other distractions. However, I know that would be too easy, and there is no easy way. The narrow road to God gets harder as we go on, but as we surrender and give of ourselves to others out of love for one another in God, the more we allow God to give of Himself to us, in the light of the Holy Spirit. The rose comes into bloom the more we surrender, the more we allow God to feed the rose with all of His graces." Christina Gallagher - Gift of Inspired Prayer Very frequently, Christina is inspired to utter prayer, not only when interceding for the sick and troubled but when praising God on her own.
Christina, awakened one morning around 4 a.m. was led to write. This is the utterance.