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Our Lady provides best remedy to levels of suicide & murder...
Ireland's Eye February 2014 Read more


On a regular basis, for more than a quarter of a century, the content of the prophetic messages from Our Lady and Jesus, received by Christina Gallagher, have been treated dismissively or greeted with incredulity by many people, on the basis that they are too 'apocalyptic' even to consider, with too much "gloom and doom".
Now, however, startling new and additional information has emerged about apocalyptic revelations given to the surviving Fatima seer, Sr. Lúcia dos Santos. And this makes it clear that not only was Sr. Lúcia shown scenes of unprecedented destruction and death, and world purification, but also that, even in the words she heard and terms used, what Christina Gallagher has been given since 1988, matches closely what the Fatima seer received over seven decades ago.
Until recently, not even those keenly interested in Fatima were aware of this, but an authoritative new book, based among other sources, on public and private documents of Sr. Lúcia, throws new light on it.
The new information also offers indications that the strong, urgent messages the Irish visionary has received, amount to a final warning from Heaven to mankind of what is now imminent, and in fact, amplify the previously unknown prophetic revelations to Sr. Lúcia in 1944.
It also serves to prove that perhaps the biggest reason why Christina Gallagher has suffered such persecution and rejection since 1988, is because the messages to her reveal too much of God’s Truth. How many times has Christina been told by Jesus that those attacking her are instruments being used by the evil one, because of the Truth she carries?
Every possible type of side issue and 'red herring' has been produced over twenty seven years in efforts to undermine and destroy the credibility of the visionary and the heavenly messages she has propagated. In the past decade particularly, unjust and orchestrated attacks on her good name and character have been unprecedented, and have taken a serious toll on her health and well being.
Our Lady's appearances at Fatima are accepted by the Church, and the basic message is known worldwide, yet despite indisputable heavenly signs, the failure to believe and act upon the Fatima message brought disastrous consequences. Now it comes to light that in the midst of World War 2, on 3 January, 1944, Sr. Lúcia was shown frightening scenes of destruction and disaster and the loss of countless human lives in unprecedented natural disasters.
Recall, how in August, 1931, at Rianso in Spain, when Jesus appeared to Sr. Lúcia, he made known His displeasure at the failure of His "ministers" to obey God's command that Russia be consecrated by the Pope and bishops to the Immaculate Heart? And how He told her: "Make it known to My ministers that it has been given to them that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My Command, and that they will follow him into misfortune."
It was Christ, through St. Margaret Mary, who had told the King of France, Louis XVI, to consecrate France to His Sacred Heart, but the King failed to act in time. He tried when in prison - but found it was too late, and lost his head in 1793.
When Our Lady first appeared to Christina Gallagher, in early 1988, she immediately made two things clear to the Irish visionary. First, that she wanted the Irish people to be her messengers for the rest of the world, in the urgent mission for souls. And she was warning that there was little time; that God's hand was soon to come over the Earth in justice.
Just a month after the first apparition, on 22 February 1988, Our Lady said: "I hold Ireland in the palm of my hands. I am the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace. I want them to act on my message for Ireland. It is urgent. Please do not waste any more time. The cup is overflowing...."
Sadly, despite the best efforts of Christina and of her spiritual director Fr. McGinnity in the years following, it became clear that few Irish people were prepared to heed those words. "My children do not want to know me. I beg them, please come back while there is still time," Our Lady pleaded, just months after her first appearance, even as she told Christina: "My child, the Purification will come." How could we ever say, as we suffer the unfortunate consequences, that we have not been warned, time and time again?
The new book, recently published in English, A Pathway Under the Gaze of Mary, is a fine biographical work written by the Carmelite Nuns of Coimbra, Portugal - nuns who lived there with the surviving Fatima seer. Clearly, they set about this new publication in order to make Sr. Lúcia better known and appreciated. The new work first appeared in Portuguese in 2013, but recently, has been published in English by the World Apostolate of Fatima.
At the time of the revelation, Sr. Lucia was troubled about a request by the Bishop of Leria to write down what she had been given about the 'secret' Fatima prophecy, somehow finding herself unable to convey her knowledge to paper.
On 3 January, 1944, as she knelt before the tabernacle in the convent chapel, asking Jesus to make His Will known to her, Our Lady appeared, and told her not to be afraid. "Be at peace and write what they command you," Our Lady said, "but not what you were given to understand of its meaning."
Then, Sr. Lucia said: "I felt my spirit flooded by a light-filled mystery which is God, and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth, which shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in uncountable numbers. It is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition, cause destructive wars."
Then after this, she heard the words: "in time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Heaven in eternity," which filled her with peace and happiness.
What is surprising about this is the fact that the Fatima visionary refers to the "purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in" - making it clear that all she had seen - the axis of the earth shaking, mountains falling, cities, towns and villages disappearing; millions of people dying in a frightening inundation of water from the seas, rivers and the clouds - was due to mankind's sinfulness. Commentators speculate that what is depicted is the effects of an enormous earthquake and mega-tsunami, with landslides, entire countries engulfed and huge waves from which no one can escape.
Is this not what Christina Gallagher has been shown several times, and written and spoken about? Almost a decade before the worst tsunami in recorded history - in the Indian Ocean in 2004 - the deadly event was shown to the Irish visionary, and she documented it. And recall how she related soon after, in early 2005, that a much worse catastrophe, with an earthquake and tsunami of gigantic proportions would occur, devastating large parts of Africa and Australia, and causing enormous loss of life. "The vacuum caused by the earthquake will pull huge portions of land and property into the sea. No equipment in existence will be able to record the enormity of these events," she said.
It was then also that she was made aware that earthquakes would cause a tsunami-type wave to come over Ireland and various other countries, and was shown floods increasing everywhere, "leading to a deluge" and water permanently encroaching upon parts of countries, with Europe and the world affected.
The Irish visionary has always understood and has warned that all the increasing devastation and disastrous events were due to sin, and the widespread rejection of God and of His commandments. "The fullness of what is imminent can be explained only as the hand of God coming on the earth in justice and all will see this being proven," Christina said in 2005. "But only the wise will be able to see the truth, the foolish will not listen until it is too late. The only weapons are sincere prayer, and Our Lady's sacramentals", she added.
Many years before, on 8 August, 1991 Our Lady had told Christina: "My children will lament for not responding to my call. The great deluge is at hand."
During this message, Our Lady wept, as she described how the Irish people, so dear to her Maternal Heart, were not responding to "my call, for the salvation of your souls, and to save your isle."
Before this, it was not known that the Fatima visionary was told anything about the earth's "axis". But all who know the messages received by Christina Gallagher will realise that Jesus told her in 1999, how people should lament for their sins, that His justice was upon the world and advised her: "It is not you they despise, but Me and the Truth you bear." And He added: "The axis of the world is My arm. The sin which fumigates the world, corrodes it. Soon the world will be plunged into the depths of its sin and drink of its own bitterness."
Years earlier, in a 1991 vision which left her shaken, the visionary saw Jesus holding up the globe of the world, and then saw the world held up by a single, crumbling pillar, as Our Lady said:
"The world is help up by pillars. The Pillar is Jesus Christ. The pillars are about to fall. My Divine Son is soon releasing His hand, the Pillar of God. The world will be plunged into the depths of its sin, and drink of its bitterness."
As we've said, the newest Fatima revelations only serve to confirm the authenticity of what Christina Gallagher has sought to propagate, but now, Jesus has told her: "The time is NOW." The world has already been plunged into the depths of its own sin, and its purification has already begun....

IRELAND'S EYE Magazine- June 2015 Issue

The Best Remedy for Frightening Levels of Suicide and Murder?
Consecration to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart offered as a spiritual antidote
In 2014, as we witness, on our own doorsteps, almost daily murders and numerous senseless attacks on innocent people, and are faced with levels of suicide and youthful tragedy that are close to epidemic proportions, more and more people realise that something is seriously wrong. But how few are prepared to acknowledge that this malaise is mainly due to widespread spiritual blindness through the rejection of God, and abandonment of the moral compass which He provides for each one of us?
Time after time, year after year, the clearest aspect of all the messages received by Christina Gallagher – during more than twenty six years – has been Our Lady’s loving motherly concerns for the welfare of all her children, everywhere, “I am your spiritual Mother,’ ” She said in one message, “and I love you. Please take to heart all that I relate to my chosen daughter… I implore you to respond with open hearts for the salvation of your souls and your protection in body.”
The mission entrusted to Christina Gallagher is essentially a spiritual one, aimed at saving souls, and everything else given – including many hundreds of physical healings and equally as many spiritual conversions. – have been the signs intended as evidence, to leave no doubt about the fact that the messages received are authentic, and to draw them to public attention.
When Our Lady first came to Christina in 1988, She asked the Irish visionary to spread Her messages to help bring people back to God from the darkness engulfing them. “Please come back to Me and My Son” best sums up Her call and her pleas back then and thereafter. “I search for My children throughout the world … My tears have been many” Our Lady said on another occasion “There is such need for My children to experience the Light and Life of My Son once again…”
Over the past decade and longer, year after year, - right up to July 8 2011 – when Our Lady gave her final public message to Christina and advised her: “My time with you in giving the many messages, which have fallen on stone rather than rich soil, is over. My Son Jesus will guide you now” - the increasing moral and physical dangers and pitfalls which young people in Ireland and everywhere have been facing, were repeated and emphasized. Our Lady pleaded especially every year to have youth consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart, in order to overcome their moral seduction and in particular, the threat of suicide.
Less than three years ago, on March 15 2011, when Jesus spoke to Christina and clearly warned mankind of what it is facing. He also advised parents that by consecrating their children to Mary’s Immaculate Heart - as Our Lady had constantly pleaded with them to do – it would be a means of great protection for the youth, especially against suicide.
And Jesus and his Blessed Mother have also spoken of the frightening levels of violence and murder, as evil gains more power, because of growing moral disorder and widespread spiritual blindness.
JULY 2003
In her message of July, 2003, Our Lady said: “I beg you once again to surrender to My call… do you not know you cannot live without God? Otherwise you will see more children caught in the web of Satan, drawn into despair and ending their lives. Parents, I beg you, bring God back into your lives and homes.”
A year later, when Our Lady warned about the Antichrist being raised up… She spoke of “destruction, war and bloodshed in many countries with much distress and suffering, especially among the youth of the world.” And her words have since been fulfilled in many places including Ireland.
In July 2005, Our Lady pleaded again: “ …You cannot recognise the signs of the times you live in. You cannot see how the evil one is stealing the youth of your country and of the world, in seduction through suicide, drugs, alcohol, lust, lack of faith and confusion. My dear children, I desire you wake up before it is too late.”
Twelve months later, it was similar: “The evil one is drawing your children from you into a cesspool of degeneration and depravity. That is what leads to suicide, no sense of reason, and seduction is made easy for many. Pray, pray for the youth of the world! Prayer is absent from the homes and hearts of so many youth. I desire you to bring back the prayer of My Rosary to your homes,” Our Lady said.
When Our Lady spoke to Christina on November 3 2006 and described how people were unprepared in soul or body for the great turmoil coming, leading to the world’s purification. She said: “My Motherly Heart cries out to you as I am forced to look upon the blood shed throughout the world, from war, abortion and murder. There is much hate, and all this is of the evil one…”
For the fourth time in the space of five years, in July 2007, Our Lady again made specific mention of suicide, and pleaded with parents and others to encourage youth to gain protection by being consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart. “Many will commit suicide,” She said because “the youth have not been encouraged to consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart. Many will murder each other. There will be divisions in homes, families and among friends. Peace is so lacking in the hearts and homes of many, many of my children especially the youth. They have stray like lost children without family or home, evil waiting to devour them on every side. It is only the beginning of what is coming…” Our Lady advised.
On July 25, 2010, Oour Lady warned about so many continuing “on the road to perdition” and openly rejecting God. She said Her words were being mocked, as She pleaded “with all parents to bring their families together and consecrate all to My Immaculate Heart to protect their souls. If you do this, I will draw many away from the danger of evil powers that surround them, especially the temptation to suicide.” But she added: “I have pleaded wit you to consecrate your children to My Immaculate Heart, but you mocked me and ignored my invitation. The world is plunged into the mire of the workings of anti-Christ. My children, pray, pray! Time is short for many.”
On March 15, when Jesus spoke to Christina and gave her a clear message for the world, He said: “My Mother has pleaded for parents to unite with their families in the prayer of consecration that was written by My son Gerard. I guided his every word in this conseration prayer so that it would serve as a means of great protection for the youth, and especially against suicide.”
In a message in September 2012, Jesus said “Sin is multiplying faster that wild weed as I told you many years ago… Now you see it… anger in the hearts of everyone; the need to destroy, murder, maim, there is no limit. There is so much desire for murder and bloodshed in so many hearts, beyond your understanding… My people how can I make you understand the importance of My servant for your sake, in My call through her to you?...”
It was in the same 2012 message that Christina was told by Jesus that He desire the world to listen and hear the truth.
“I, the Lord who loves you and who gave My life for you, desire that you receive My love and mercy before it is too late. The word ‘late’ means ‘now’. The Lord your God says to you the word is ‘NOW’. My little one, you are the vessel chosen to bring this mission to the fulfillment of fruitfulness…
“The world has little time to prepare for what it is about to endure… there will be earthquakes, drought, diseases and hunger throughout the world.. Listen, My people, hear and respond…”
My Mother has come pleading for mercy for Her children but I am Jesus the Lord and God and many have rejected Me and My Mother for so long.
The ‘illumination’ and the third world war will soon be upon you. The choice will be yours. The justice will be enormous and painful… My Justice so many have drawn upon themselves through sin. It will come upon them like a darkened night… I tell you the entire world will experience the darkened night which will last for a number of nights. My dearest children, you who have responded to live by My Word, do not be sad or frightened. You will be in the light and safety of My Mother’s Heart when this takes place throughout the world…
“…I am the Lord your God, the Alpha and the Omega, now and forever. My daughter, I tell you, those in My Church who desire to remain in darkness will be drawn into My Justice. My daughter, do not be afraid to reveal what I tell you. Make it known to the world. That darkness has festered for many years and has caused Me to weep tears of blood for the many many souls lost in its path. The purification of My Church will be greater than the purification of the world…
“My dear little one I want you to be always conscious that I am He who is, was and will be forever and all thisngs are possible when, with an open heart, you permit Me to act…”
“…Past this year of 2012, many calamities and much desecration will occur. All things will be reduced to nothing. You will see the depth of hell and he who is anti of Christ reign upon earth. Do not weaken, be strong. …Those who are in the unity of anti-Christ will flourish and those of you who believe in Me will be detested… Calamity after calamity will befall you My dear people… How it grieves My Sacred Heart! My Church will be brought down as swiftly as night turns to day and those therein will not understand what has happened to them…
"The best remedy to frightening levels of suicide and murder?" Ireland's Eye Magazine February 2014
Issue No: 398 Page 31
Major physical healings supported by medical and scientific documentation
Testimony: Major Physical Healing of Brandi DeJesus
Testimony: Major Physical Healing and Conversion of John Garbutt
Testimony: Major Physical Healing of Kathleen O'Sullivan
Testimony: Major Physical Healing of Jed Michael


The NEW and long-awaited book
THE CROSS UNCOVERED by Christina Gallagher
containing the reality and full facts of her
life's endurance
is now available only from
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer, Achill, Co.Mayo, Ireland.
Tel: +353 98 45691
Visa & Mastercard Accepted

and from
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer,
Texas 23700 Nameless Road, Leander,
Texas, 78641 USA
Tel: +512 267 6830
To keep informed of updates to this
website, 'Like' our page on Facebook
Ireland's Eye magazine has published monthly articles about the Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace throughout the last 20 years and continues to do so. This national magazine is available in newsagents throughout Ireland or via subscription.
Some past articles are featured here in this seciton.
Published by Our Lady's Pilgrims
From the site: "The purpose of this website is to give a voice to the people, the pilgrims who attend Our Lady's House of Prayer in Achill on a regular basis,
who have wanted the opportunity to share the truth about Our Lady's House; Her Fraternity; Christina Gallagher; & Fr McGinnity;
and to have their own voice heard in a media reluctant to report the truth. The reality and fruits of the House of Prayer speak for themselves."

All these books are available from the House of Prayer Achill, Co Mayo, Ireland. Tel +353 9845691 or at the Chain of Houses (contact details)

Please Come Back to Me and My Son
By R Vincent
Published in 1993
 Please Come Back to Me and My Son
By R Vincent
Our Lady's appeal through Christina Gallagher to the people of Ireland and all humanity.
Reading this, the first book written about the remarkable story of
Christina Gallagher and the urgent call of Our Heavenly Mother to Her
children, has been for many, the point of their conversion, the turning
point of their lives, to the true living of the Faith.
“In return,” Our Lady
says, “I will give you peace in your hearts”

 The Sorrow, The Sacrifice & The Triumph
By Thomas W. Petrisko
Published in 1995
| The Sorrow, The Sacrifice & The Triumph
The apparitions, Visions and Prophecies of Christina Gallagher
By Thomas W. Petrisko
As a visionary, mystic and chosen soul, Christina’s experiences exceed those
of some of the most well known to date. She is not just a chosen soul, but a
soul whose graces are given at a chosen time in history. Thus, her revelations
are not just for souls at this time. but for the world at this time. This book tells
of the infinite love and mercy God wishes to give to souls.


Out Of The Ecstacy & Onto The Cross
Biography of Christina Gallagher
By Rev’d Dr. Gerard McGinnity and Christina Gallagher
Published in 1996
| Out Of The Ecstacy & Onto The Cross
Biography of Christina Gallagher
By Rev’d Dr. Gerard McGinnity and Christina Gallagher
A full account of the apparitions and experiences, gifts and sufferings given
by Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Christina Gallagher.
“My Son
has chosen Christina, for she has an open heart”
Insights into, among
other things, heaven, purgatory, hell and the spiritual warfare of our time.

 Our Lady Queen of Peace - Recent Messages to
Christina Gallagher
Compiled by Christina Gallagher
Published in 2004
| Our Lady Queen of Peace - Recent Messages to
Christina Gallagher
Compiled by Christina Gallagher
Published in 2004
Messages received by Christina not previously published in the books
above. Some appeared on the website www.christinagallagher.org while
others have been delivered orally at Our Lady’s House of Prayer. Jesus
and Mary continue to appear and speak to Christina who is led to
suffer as a victim for the conversion of the world.
The publc messages given to Christina Gallagher by Our Blessed Lady ended on 8th July 2011.

 Our Lady Touches Ireland and the World - Gifts from Heaven
Published by Our Lady's Pilgrims in 2009
Our Lady Lady Touches Ireland and the World by Our Lady's Pilgrims
Published in 2009
The people tell the story of the many blessings they have received from Our Lady Queen of Peace through her House of Prayer in Achill, the fruits of this work of Our Heavenly Mother through Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity and Her House of Prayer Achill.


Our Lady Queen of Peace
Updates on Recent Messages to Christina Gallagher
Published in 2011
| Our Lady Queen of Peace
Updates on Recent Messages to Christina Gallagher
Published by Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in 2011
Updates on Recent Messages to Christina Gallagher with a forward by Rev Dr Gerard McGinnity, Christina's Spiritual Director
