Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill

Many hundreds give witness to gifts of conversion. Testimonies of spiritual healing involving Christina Gallahger and her mission are recorded at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer Achill, in Ireland. Just some of testimonies of those who have given withness are detailed on this website. Fr Gerard McGinnity PhD spiritual director of Christina Gallagher.

"Thanks for the gift of my return to Jesus through the House of Prayer in Achill" by Noreen Quirke, Co Limerick, Ireland

"Thank you dearest Heavenly Mother for calling me back to Jesus through the House of Prayer in Achill. I thank you for the Sacrament of Confession, for Christina and Fr McGinnity. I am so grateful to get my life back, it truly was a miracle"

I wish to acknowledge that I have been visiting Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer since 1995. At that time, I was far from Jesus and I had no love or peace in my life. I yearned for love and searched in all the wrong places. I was desperate and I cried out to Jesus to help me. His Love overwhelmed me. I still get great solace from that experience. I thank You, dearest Heavenly Mother, for calling me back to Jesus through the House of Prayer in Achill. I thank You for the Sacrament of Confession, and I thank You for Christina and Fr McGinnity. I am so grateful to get my life back. It truly was a miracle.


Official Website of Christina Gallagher
Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer, Achill

and the Houses of Prayer in Texas, Minnesota, Florida, Kansas US and Mexico

Fr Gerard Mc Ginnity PhD is the Spiritual Director of Christina Gallagher

Fr Gerard McGinnity, parish priest of Knockbridge Co Louth, is the spiritual director of Christina Gallagher.
More Information about Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity and The House of Prayer Achill
Related Links:

'Why I Believe' by Fr Gerard McGinnity Ph D
'Proof Beyond Doubt' by Fr Richard Foley SJ

Medically Inexplicable healings :

The healing and conversion of John Garbutt at the House of Prayer in Achill

The Healing of Kathleen O'Sullivan of pancreatic cancer after prayers with Christina Gallagher and Fr Gerard McGinnity at the House of Prayer in Achill

Doctor Says 'A Miracle' - The Healing of Jed Michael
after meeting with Christina Gallagher

Healings through Holy Water at the House of Prayer Achill

Hundreds of Healings - Achill House of Prayer, and Christina Gallagher's mission

Further Information about Christina Gallagher, Her Spiritual Director Fr Gerard McGinnity
and the House of Prayer in Achill

Voice of Our Lady's Pilgrims - The Truth about the work of Our Lady's Fraternity, Christina Gallagher, Fr McGinnity and the House of Prayer in Achill