Overview of Our Lady's Messages

A Chosen Soul

Call of Our Lady Queen of Peace

Spiritual Director

Fruits in Abundance


Major Physical Healings

Prophesy Fulfilled

Matrix Medal

Holy Water

Our Lady with Tears

The House of Prayer Achill

Centre of Catholic Prayer

Opening & Renovation

Removal of Sacraments


Chain of Houses

Our Lady's Fraternity

Novena to the Most Blessed Trinity

Protection of Homes

Young People

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Christina Gallagher and the Church

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Media Misrepresentation

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In Response to Peoples Queries
Many people in the US and in Ireland have queried concerning what they were told regarding the background to the sacraments being removed in 1998 from the House of Prayer.
Archbishop Neary pictured with Christina Gallagher in the House of Prayer in Achill
Archbishop Neary did ask Christina Gallagher to integrate the work of the House of Prayer using the words, to 'bring it under the umbrella of the archdiocese'. Christina's only desire was what Our Lady requested namely, that priests and people be able to unite in prayer in the House. That, however, was not how it was going to be under the archbishop's proposal. His suggestion was that the House of Prayer be closed to the public; that the people would not be able to go there and pray- they would be able to go only to the local church; there would be a named private few permitted in the House of Prayer and Mass permitted on occasion there for them only.
Archbishop Joseph Cassidy (RIP) had opened the House as Our Lady requested. It was he himself who put in place the daily sacraments within it. Christina was unable to undo the request of Our Lady which Archbishop Cassidy had honoured and blessed in this way. She closed the House at that time, when those original facilities were being stripped away. This she did, not out of disobedience but not knowing what to do. Then the people who had put the House in place challenged her and said that they had given to acquire the House in response to Our Blessed Mother and Christina did not have a right to close it against their wishes.
Over 700 reported healings exist, five of which have been professionally investigated by medical consultants. The medically approved healings (declared by consultants to be medically, scientifically and psychologically inexplicable and far exceeding the proof rountinely accepted by the Church) which were brought to Christina's notice were handed to archbishop Neary and she was told he had read them and handed them back but never acknowledged the fact that the supernatural was at work, having previously stated in so many words that the supernatural was not at work ("no evidence presented which might prove...supernatural phenomena...").
In September 2000, his office told THE IRISH FAMILY NEWSPAPER, "The archdiocese has not carried out any investigations with regard to any claims on the part of people that they have been healed of life threatening illnesses as a result of contact with Mrs.Gallagher and her work. No plans exist at present to conduct such investigations." How, then, can the archbishop allow a statement to stand asserting that the supernatural is not at work? Surely the healings should be checked out before permitting such a statement to remain promulgated.
As Christina always states, she has no healing powers. She can only pray and plead with God and Our Lady and then accept all results in the holy Will of God. She never knows who is going to be healed until people come and acknowledge it.

Kathleen O'Sullivan at Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer in Achill,
attending to give thanks and witness to her healing of Cancer of the Pancreas.
In 1997, she was carried wrapped in a blanket into the House of Prayer in Achill by her husband with only weeks to live. Both Fr McGinnity and Mrs Gallagher prayed with his wife and he carried her to the chapel to attend Mass. On the way home his wife, who hadn't eaten for two months, suddenly said she felt hungry. He stopped at a hotel in Galway and for the first time in months she ate a full meal. Her jaundice disappeared over the next few days, appetite returned fully and she had a complete recovery within a short time.
Read Kathleen O'Sullivan's testimony
John Garbutt (right) from Hartlepool England, pictured here with Dr Michael Anketell, at the House of Prayer Achill after giving witness to his testimony of healing and conversion through Christina Gallaghe at the House of Prayer in Achill. His medical documents were submitted as evidence to the Church in 2000 for examination. The Church, as yet, have not carried out investigations of his case, or of the evidence submitted by other people who have been healed of life-threatening illnesses through Christina Gallagher.
Read John Garbutt's testimony in full